Improving grade three learners’ achievement in basic science: Impact of electronic library resources.
- Title
- Improving grade three learners’ achievement in basic science: Impact of electronic library resources.
- Author(s)
- Ugwuanyi, C.S., & Okeke, C. See all items with this value
- Date
- 2022 See all items with this value
- Description
The way children learn prior to the emergence of coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) has been hugely affected due to the temporal suspension of the face-to-face mode of learning at the hit of the pandemic. When
the pandemic was at its peak, most developed countries turned to online schooling, while most developing countries' schools were completely shut down. Part of the reason for this was a dearth of
online resources in those underdeveloped countries. Literature has shown that the use of electronic library resources has potential for enhancing teaching and learning. However, no empirical study has
been conducted in Nigeria to determine the potential impact of electronic library resources on grade three learners’ achievement in Basic Science. Thus, the need for this research. This study was guided
by a quantitative research approach using a simple repeated measures research design. A total of 45 primary three learners who were purposively sampled from primary schools in Nsukka Education zone participated in the study. A face and content validated as well as trial tested Basic Achievement Test (BAT) was used for data collection. The BAT items had internal consistency reliability of .76. Data gathered were analysed using mixed design repeated analysis of variance. It was revealed that the exposure of the learners to electronic library resources had significant impact (p < .05) on their
achievement in Basic Science. It was thus, recommended that primary school learners and their counterparts in upper basic education should be adequately exposed to the use of electronic library resources. - Publisher
- INTED2022 Conference See all items with this value
- Keywords
- Achievement, Basic Science, Grade three learners, Electronic library resources. See all items with this value
- pages
- 1424 – 1430
- Item sets
- Conference Papers/Proceedings
- Media