Instructional materials and quality in public primary schools in Southwestern Nigeria.
- Title
- Instructional materials and quality in public primary schools in Southwestern Nigeria.
- Author(s)
- Okeke, C.I., & Ajadi, O.T. See all items with this value
- Date
- 2023 See all items with this value
- Description
The study identified the instructional materials that are available and
examined the level of its utilization in public primary schools in
Southwestern Nigeria. In addition, it established the influence of
instructional materials on instructional quality in public primary
schools in Southwestern Nigeria. This study adopted descriptive
design with a sample size of 450 respondents selected from the
population of the study with the use of multi-stage sampling procedure. Instructional Materials Availability, Utilization and
Instructional Quality Questionnaire (IMAUIQ) was used to collect
data from the respondents which was trial tested on 90 respondents
from selected public primary schools in local governments outside
the selected ones for the study. The result revealed that chalkboard
450(100%) and textbooks 300(67%) are the predominant instructional materials available. Chalkboard 450(100%) was found to be sufficiently utilized. The result further showed that instructional
materials have significantly influence on instructional quality in
public primary schools in Nigeria. This is because the calculated
value (4.82) is greater than the critical value (3.84) at 0.05 level of
significance. The study concluded that there is inadequate utilization
of instructional materials with their attendant consequences on
instructional quality in public primary schools in Southwestern
Nigeria. - Publisher
- Studies in Learning and Teaching (SiLeT) See all items with this value
- Identifier
- Keywords
- Instructional materials; Instructional quality; Public primary schools; Inter-generational poverty; Wastage; See all items with this value
- pages
- 205-215
- volume
- 4
- issue
- 2
- Item sets
- Conference Papers/Proceedings
- Media
Part of Instructional materials and quality in public primary schools in Southwestern Nigeria.