Cognitive-behavioural reflective training for improving critical thinking disposition of nursing students.
- Title
- Cognitive-behavioural reflective training for improving critical thinking disposition of nursing students.
- Author(s)
- Abiogu, G.C., Ede, M.O., Agah, J.J., Ugwuozor, F.O., Nweke, M., Nwosu, N., Nnamani, O., Eskay, M., Obande-Ogbuinya, N.E., Ogheneakoke, C.E., Ugwu, U.C., Ujah, P., Ekwueme, F.O., Phil, M., Obeagu, E.I., Okeke, C.I., Ncheke, D.C., Ugwuanyi, C. See all items with this value
- Date
- 2020 See all items with this value
- Description
Background/Objective: The importance of critical thinking in improving treatment practices in, for instance, the nursing profession, cannot be overemphasized. Despite this importance, empirical studies have shown that helping strategies to train learners on critical thinking disposition are needed. Given this knowledge gap, this study investigated the impacts of cognitivebehavioral reflective training for improving the critical thinking disposition of nursing students.
Method: Of all the students screened, a total of 167 participants were assigned to the treatment group and waitlisted control group. A researchers-developed training program aimed at improving critical thinking disposition was delivered in English language by therapists.
Results: Repeated-measures ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference between the critical thinking disposition of nursing students in the treatment and control groups as measured by CTDI-M at the posttest. At the posttreatment and follow-up measures, there were consistently improved impacts of CBRT on the critical thinking disposition of nursing students in Nigeria as measured by CTDI-M.
Conclusion: Following the results, we concluded that cognitive-behavioral reflective training was beneficial and had sustained improvement in enhancing the critical thinking disposition of nursing students.
Abbreviations: CBRT = Cognitive-behavioral reflective training, CBRTP = Cognitive Behavioral Reflective Training Program, CBT
= Cognitive behavioral therapy, CI = confidence interval, degree of freedom, CCTDI = California Critical Thinking Disposition
Inventory, CT = Critical thinking, CTDI-M = Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory for Chinese medical college students, F = value from ANOVA test, Mean (SD) = Mean (Standard Deviation), DR2 = adjusted R2, Sig. = Significance, UMIN-CTR = UMIN Clinical Trials Registry, x2 = chi-square; t-test. - Publisher
- Medicine See all items with this value
- Identifier
- Keywords
critical thinking, cognitive-behavioral reflective training, critical thinking disposition, nursing students, cognitive
behavioral therapy, Nigeria See all items with this value - volume
- 99
- issue
- 46
- pages
- e22429
- Item sets
- Journal Articles
- Media