A Multimedia Instructional Package on for Enhancing Achievement in basic Science.
- Title
- A Multimedia Instructional Package on for Enhancing Achievement in basic Science.
- Author(s)
- Ugwuanyi, C. S., & Okeke, C. I.O. See all items with this value
- Date
- 2020 See all items with this value
- Description
- This study ascertained the effectiveness of Multimedia instructional package in improving primary school pupils’ achievement in basic science at both post and follow-up measures. The design of the study was a randomized control trial experimental design. This design was apt since randomization of subjects was not done and intact classes were used. The sample size was 85 pupils from the two intact classes formed the participant for the study. Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) was used to collect data for the study. The internal consistency reliability index of BSAT was determined to be 0.87 using Kuder-Richardson formula 20 while the estimate of the temporal stability of the BSAT was 0.91 using person correlation. Analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) was used in testing the hypotheses at the 5% probability level. The use of multimedia projection in the form of Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) significantly (p < .050) improved pupils’ achievement in basic science. The efficacy of the CAL in improving the pupils’ achievement in Basic science was retained at the follow-up measure. Multimedia projection package proved very effective in enhancing the achievement in basic science.
- Publisher
- International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST) See all items with this value
- Identifier
- Keywords
- Achievement, Effectiveness, Basic Science, Multimedia Instructional Package See all items with this value
- volume
- 136
- pages
- 51-60
- Item sets
- Journal Articles
- Media
Part of A Multimedia Instructional Package on for Enhancing Achievement in basic Science.