Effect of flipped classroom on cognitive and emotional skills development of primary school pupils.
- Title
- Effect of flipped classroom on cognitive and emotional skills development of primary school pupils.
- Author(s)
- Okeke, C., & Akobi, T. See all items with this value
- Date
- 2023 See all items with this value
- Description
The term "flipped classroom" refers to a teaching method that blends traditional classroom activities with the use of internet or web-based resources to improve learning. It is a cutting-edge, kid-centered approach that combines both customary classroom activities and online learning activities that frequently entail watching web videos. The implication is that, in a flipped classroom setting, the regular classroom
activities are frequently supplemented by the flipped or inverted class activities, which may foster or support pupils' cognitive growth and foster emotional skills development. This study was therefore carried out to determine the effect of flipped classroom on cognitive and emotional skills development of primary school pupils. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design with a sample of 160
primary school pupils purposively selected. Intact classes were used during the experiment. The instruments for data collection were validated emotional and cognitive development skills developed by the researchers. The reliability indices of emotional and cognitive skills development using Cronbach’s Alpha were 0.87 and 0.91 respectively. The classroom teachers of the sampled schools were used as research assistants. A pretest was administered before the treatment that lasted for six weeks after which the posttest was equally administered. Mean and Standard deviations were used to answer the research questions while analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses formulated for the study at 0.05 significant level. The findings of the study among others showed that flipped classroom was effective in developing primary school pupils’ emotional and cognitive skills than the conventional teacher centered approach. - Publisher
- INTED2022 Conference See all items with this value
- Identifier
- Keywords
- Cognitive skills, Emotional skills, Flipped Classroom, Primary school, Pupils See all items with this value
- pages
- 1217-1225
- Item sets
- Conference Papers/Proceedings
- Media
Part of Effect of flipped classroom on cognitive and emotional skills development of primary school pupils.