For Journals

DOI (digital object identifier) is an identification code for a journal article or other published works. The code was developed and introduced in 2000 by the International DOI Foundation (IDF) and is assigned by the publisher. A DOI is generated by a registration agency (e.g DataCite) that contains an alphanumeric string beginning with “10” and a prefix of four or more numbers. The prefix is followed by a slash (/) and a suffix. The suffix is assigned by the publisher.

DOIs create unique uniform resource locators (URLs) that begin with DOIs are used as electronic links to an article’s location and helps identify an article’s subject matter. They should always be used in your printed or electronic articles or in any other published materials. DOIs are usually placed on the first page of a journal article.

The pricing for Our DOI services to Journal Publishers are in the following Categories:
1. Premium
This is the category for Journals with high frequency of publications. It is also a category for Journals will a large archive. This category attracts a Membership fee of $200 a year and $1 per DOI.

2. Platinum
This is the category for Journals with fewer frequency of publications. e.g Quarterly or Biannually. This category attracts a one-time membership fee of $250,  $2 per DOI and $50 yearly organizational fee..

3. Gold
This is the category for a group of Journals who can come together to form a modular consortium probably within a Faculty or Department. This group can be between 2 Journals and 5 Journals. This category attracts a one-time membership fee of $300, $2 per DOI and $100 yearly organizational fee covering all the members of the consortium.

For Associations and Institutions who are still interested in Category C but have more than 5 Journals to pull together,  it will attract a yearly membership fee of $300, $2 per DOI and $100 yearly organizational fee.

4. Silver
This category is for Journals who publish very few articles in a year. Not more than 5 articles in a volume. Such Journals can pay $3 per DOI. No membership fee will be necessary.

N/B: The above DOI Categorization operates with a single prefix 10.71529. 

Journals Publishers that prefer to operate with an independent prefix can achieve it by satisfying the conditions as outline in the Independent Prefix brochure. 

Click here to download the brochure. 

Please contact for details on how to make payment.